Reality Shows in the world

After the advent of the first RS’s on TV, the production of various types have been produced in the world with a growing number of fans. The success of these formats have not stopped growing since. The United States of America are the champions in the production of this type of entertainment. Several have been successful while others fail to please so much. However, there is always a specific audience for these achievements. See

The RS’s I prefer are the formats from Endemol or with their participation, and among those, which eliminate contestants by popular vote. My preferred format is that of Big Brother, but not the types that, in some or all issues, do not use the vote of the audience, like Big Brother on CBS in the United States, for example.

Some broadcasts of Big Brother or its variants are made, with some issues or all in each case, pan-regional or co-production or emissions in neighboring countries. Some select contestants on his casting, which came from foreign partners or neighbors. For a complete picture about it, consult

In Brazil this formula involving the audience voting for the elimination of confined has achieved huge success, and programs such as The House of Artists (Casa dos Artistas), Big Brother Brazil (Big Brother Brasil) and The Farm (A Fazenda), came to achieve significant levels of audience, reaching in some cases, few moments or on average, more than 40 of appliances on and tuned to their channels, and voting that have exceeded the 100 million votes. This is more than the total population of countries considered as medium-size or economically developed and industrialized. 20 to 40 million votes is something commonplace in almost all transmissions. See, for example, a comparative table of the ratings in the previews of each issue: