Aline x Ivan

This first big wall was predictable since before the Proof of the Leader. To be exact, already “was painting” over the course of the proof of the car. It was obvious that a novice could not clash with a veteran in the first week, no matter who is this veteran.

Beginners erred in wanting to “incite” a veteran, even more of a former champion. I’m not saying this is right or indifferent because it is a illogical strategy, and yes that only a narrow-minded person could not conceive garner the sympathy of the public showing being so “courageous”. If it were more to the middle of the contest, it would be plausible if the “brave” was right. For most who have been unimpressive in their editions, the veterans have fan clubs and Aline made the mistake of exclude contacts in their social network for futile reasons and, moreover, revealed this in a program with great audience.

Aline is a willful woman, active, and suffers from super-sincerity. It is not necessary to win a RS in the first week on her own initiative. These chances only arise sporadically, as in the case of Angelis in the FV1, where the villains of the RS turned the whole house against her and with the connivance of the production. The suburban of Paciência, instead of showing a sincere character is exaggerating her outspoken personality without the need to take care of a conviviality at least bearable with her companions.

Can she escape only by to be facing a weak opponent. At least for now. A great chance for either of them is in back of this big wall, if they’re smart! Can then modify their behavior, but I doubt very much they do this because they will fill with wind and will continue with the same strategies.

The same reasoning applies to Ivan, with the difference that he is a little smarter. However this is the only attribute that has shown so far. He has the important support of Fani and Natália, and the Leader even mentioned in the first party (9/1) that “would catch” him, if not the respect for the guy’s girlfriend.

Ivan has good culture and demonstrated this when he explained to Dhomini and Marien how and why it was created the character Macunaíma, referenced by Bial in the BBB12 in relation to Yuri. As an English teacher he seems competent, and does not self-promotion therefore. However, RS is not a tryout for the Brazilian Academy of Letters and culture is a requisite unfair to those who had no opportunity to instruct themselves.

English: The Brazilian Academy of Letters (clo...

English: The Brazilian Academy of Letters (closeup) Deutsch: Die brasilianische Academia de Letras (Nahaufnahme) Français : L’Académie brésilienne de lettres (gros plan) Português: A Academia Brasileira de Letras (de perto) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What matters is that the contestants show their character and not hide purposefully, and this, Ivan is not doing in the first case, and doing much in the second. Push problems under the rug does not make one a peaceful person or polite and Ivan is the opposite of his competitor. He gives a bull not to get into a mess, and gives a whole herd to get out of it.

Aslan also seems to be as well and has harmed Aline, with his attempts to restrain her. If this is a tactic, is being done in a very clever and subtle. He voted for Ivan to defend himself and seems to be very crafty and cunning, having realized that the companion has culture comparable to him.


“17h47 06/01/2013
Kamilla sings all types of music to pass the time and animate the confined. Now her repertoire also features the song “Gangnam Style” by the South Korean rapper Psy”

An anonymous reader asked who was Kamilla. She is just so a beautiful girl!

“12/01/2013 9:45 a.m.
Aline to Bambam: ‘If you leave, you affect me.’ “

09/01/2013 3:57 a.m.
“Aline and Bambam argue during Proof

The winner of the first edition of the BBB shoots: “You will be the most complicated of the house here. ‘s Ugly to do that, word has much value”. Bambam continues: “Everyone came from somewhere, everyone here is simple. You’re talking about everybody, relax. You are talking nonsense”.”
Bambam is using an old strategy. At the time of him, gave it right, but now everyone knows that screams and “moral lessons” do not give anyone reason in RSs and do not work. Dhomini also means is dislocated, and appears to have no strategy, but it would also be a strategy, right? If he use the RS as a Spa, it may even be that he wins. If, however, resolve to play, will “break his face”.

10/01/2013 23h41
Bambam made a cute and gave a time remaining standing, while the component of the opposite group was still seeking another pair of socks. The presenter Pedro Bial even made the following observation: “Besides winning, you’re mocking”.

12/01/2013 9:32 a.m.
Bambam sighs: ‘I’ll give up the program. I’m at my limit’

Farm Summer

Anonymous January 13, 2013 01:53
I feel something very strange in the air!!
DR Champion – Manoella and Angelis, discuss relationship. Published by @konfinados on 08.12.2012 (sic).

“For this video my impression is that the beginning of the relationship between the two departed by Mano, since Angelis shown worried about what the public and her family would think. If there is indeed a strategy in this relationship, the most player in this summer’s Farm is Manoella not Angelis. When Mano came in, she knew of the sexual orientation of Angelis (bi) and also her huge crowd. I do not believe that Angelis win the FV, and yes, Mano.

If you analyze well the latest proofs that is happening, these are more than suitable for Mano (athlete – already practiced rowing, archery and more) and Dan, who also has a lot of strength and agility. The proof of the balloons was made to Mano to won, but she just did not win because she did not want, since Angelis had said the day before that she would like to continue as Grasshoppers, adding the maneuvers of votes. So much so, that they changed, shamelessly, once again, the envelope. And given what happened.

The production has already tested the popularity of Mano. They were certified that the supporters of Angelis, in the absence of her, they will support Mano. After that video edition where, on the eve of fields, Mano arranges one hell of discussion unnecessarily, it is necessary to stop and think. I do not doubt anything that in a fields between AngelisxMano, Angelis remains in the game.
Given what I exposed, while they are figuring out that the “protected” is Isis, I think she is Manoella. And if this is correct my thinking, I have to congratulate, and very, the production, because straight is deceiving the public voting. Let’s wait.
Livia FS”

I agree with this analysis at many points, but I disagree, for example, when it says: “I do not believe that Angelis win the FV, and yes, Mano”. In fact the text itself gives me reason to say: “I do not doubt anything that in a fields between AngelisxMano, Angelis remains in the game.” For me, the only chance to Manu defeat Angelis would be a Final to 2, ie, only if the two were in a dispute, in a final fields. It would depend on who each eliminate up there, to compose a final crowd to each of them. For example: if Manu defeat the other 4 in previous fields would be very strong and practically equate herself to Angelis.

Everything would depend on a lot of speculation with too much “directionism by the production and would not reach their goal of ending the relationship with them. In this sense, not worth the penalty so much effort and the resultant wear. It would just be a revenge for the Angelis be so rebellious with the decisions and procedures ridiculous of the production in driving the RS. She has realized that the production is trying to “burn her” and that’s why she occasionally demonstrates discouragement to stay in the Reality, because she is afraid of what they can do against her. In other words, she, Angelis, is not only confronting, but also playing against the production. Ie, dishonestly playing against her, gives her the right to play also to defend herself.

No way. It’s the first time I see contestant winning against a production that plays in the game. Several factors are contributing to this, and they do not know where it went wrong. One answer is: they simply played “dirty” and not only against the public. That “Pay attention to the game” was an inability inconceivable, because they do not develop a rational explanation and is not accounted properly. It was clear that the advice was against her for that reason. Angelis caught and followed the advice and they can not complain. Send indirect messages is not a good procedure, even more when the correct receiver or receivers are not able to capture.

Note: Aline was eliminated with 77% of the votes of the audience.

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Manoella x Flavia

Very childish facing a premiere of a BBB pumping. Show all that “suspense” for the Victor decide who would send to the fields was ridiculous. Again the intent of putting Angelis against Manoella in the fields were frustrated. Victor would not be stupid at this point because he measured well that he “burn” more with the public if he did what the production wanted. There was no need for that whole scenario of the formation of the fields. In reality there was not a need for a presenter at the event (sic).

I believe that the original intent was to form a triple spotlight, but they dropped out at the last minute. If it had been the victory of the opposing team in duel, then yes, it could be and would fit a triple or quadruple spotlight. I think that now the production decided to live with the gay couple, for absolute lack of options.

Logo of Rede Globo since 2008, designed by Han...

Logo of Rede Globo since 2008, designed by Hans Donner (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I hope they have noticed that the “parade” is indigestible. To counteract the “attraction” of them (TV Record) would suffice a simple Maroca. The Glass House and the other 5 BBBs former can be considered as “premium” by the Globo network, so they never dare to be as primary and shove the “guitar in the bag.” A hint: when the former BBBs are gathered in the room-library, do not forget to watch. It is simply priceless! If the TV Record not care, can come around, from the middle to the end of the year or coinciding with Farm-celebrities, the BBB-celebrities!


“23/11/2012 16h21 (18h21 Updated 23/11/2012)
Manoella gives hope to the big guys, “I’ve got needy!”
With her keen eye, Angelis had already detected that the newcomer came to encourage the “jinx”!

“10/12/2012 4:39 a.m. (7:40 a.m. Updated 10/12/2012)
Natália reveals who she intends to immunize
Ballerina talk with Ísis Gomes at the gym
– If it is immunity, I’ll give it to you. If Manu go to fields [being the most voted by the participants], you run risk of going by the group [Team Ants]. If you are immunized, they will send Rapha.
Negotiation manipulative! That “they” could be quoted. Natália is doing strange revelation. There is no logic in immunizing with the envelope the opponent from the other team and in her duel, and there may be an “arrangement” of the production to preserve Natália in the Reality, since Manu and Ísis are strong. At that point, everything that the production wishes is to preserve the three involved, with the intention of winning Ibope to the program and, in particular, Natália. The “tip” is an inducement to vote to put Raphael in the field.

“13/12/2012 15h06 (15h13 Updated 13/12/2012)
“You need not humiliate anyone in a national network”, says Manoella to Victor
– I think the key is, on time to justify the vote, do it subtly, without humiliating and let the person uncomfortable. You do not need to humiliate anyone in front of everyone and on national television chain.”
I agree, but I would replace “subtle” with “respectful.”

“16/12/2012 3:38 a.m. (3:44 a.m. Updated 16/12/2012)
Ísis, Natália and Thyago talk about votes and Fields
Still, Angelis, Manoella and Flávia entered the spotlight and should be the next confined facing the fields.”
For the first time I agree with an analysis of the site, but I put on this list also Karine and Natália. Flávia runs less risk of what Natália and Karine.

“28/12/2012 14h31 (17h19 Updated 28/12/2012)
Manoella complains about Karine for Isis Gomes: “She played dawn”
Curitibana was upset with the postures of the funker and the model
– Karine started talking a lot of nonsense yesterday, involving my name live on at the fight with Angelis, talking about my intimacy, judging me. She played down.
– For me the fights here, die here. Each has a way of thinking, but Karine was judging me, it’s hard to be a punching bag as I am.”
Karine said that Manoella and Angelis “rubbed up”, but Karine got tired of parading around the house with a small shorts more than indecent, and was still by asking for everyone whether it was indecent. The exhibition of her in the coop along with Ísis and the dance of funk on the dining table were very “behaved”.

Karine voted in Manoella being the last to vote (she was already with 4 votes against 2 of Manu) and said she was defending herself in the game. Either she was lying or is certainly stupid, because the vote would not impede that she went to the fields. At best, she does not know arithmetic. As she was my muse I will admit that she was nervous.

“02/01/2013 2:40 a.m. (3:11 a.m. Updated 02/01/2013)
“I am the punching bag of my group”, says Ísis”
This phrase reminds me what she did with Manoella, Raphael, Sacra and Gaby. I keep saying that “the spell turned against the witch”.

Ranking: Angelis, Flávia, Dan, Thyago, Ísis, Victor.


“13/11/2012 10:12 (Updated 13/11/2012 11h34)
Flávia is overwhelmed by cuteness of the rabbit, and bear the pet in her lap ”
“Nicole moment” in the Farm Summer!

“08/12/2012 19h50 (20h08 Updated 08/12/2012)
Flávia says she does not get with Dan to avoid not to hurt Thyago”
That “rains and not wet” is getting “boring”. It seems that these people never heard the saying: “In war and love anything goes!”

“10/12/2012 00h08 (Updated 10/12/2012 2:53 a.m.)
Flávia reveals whom to vote for on Tuesday (11)
– In the group, I’m in Manu. I like her, but she is the person farthest”
Translation: She is approaching much Dan!

“11/12/2012 14h22 (14h52 Updated 11/12/2012)
Flávia reveals to Ísis that she wants to be the first to vote in the fields”
If the production grant this request, it will be for her an indication that they approve the strategy of her. She thinks that Raphael is stronger than Manu, but it’s the opposite. Her plan is to get rid of Thyago to clear her way into the arms of Dan. I think however, that Dan will play water out of the basin, as does Victor. With the exception of Raphael, who is not shooter, the rest of men only shoot blanks. Do you remember Jonas (BBB12)? They are similar.

“11/12/2012 18h28 (18h46 Updated 11/12/2012)
– Nobody looked at her face (Angelis), Rodrigão picked a fight with everyone, went to the fields because of it and now everyone is a friend of the girl. Have you ever stopped to think about it? ”
Dan is evaluating whether it’s worth “stay” with Flávia and ally himself with Angelis. She, Karine, Haysam and Bianca were the ones who voted for him (Simões) at that time in open voting. Karine, instigated by Haysam, and Flávia by Bianca.

“14/12/2012 00h12 (00h42 Updated 14/12/2012)
Victor believes that Flávia not will stand the spotlight
Comment was made in the Tree House to Raphael and Thyago ”
Out here it is indeed well known.

“16/12/2012 5:25 a.m. (6:23 a.m. Updated 16/12/2012)
Dan console Flávia with hot kisses
– Did the people are finding me a traitor because of the vote?”
You are, Flávia! What is worse is that you are being “burned” by the production. Everything, or almost everything that happens overnight is distorted by the site while netizens are seeing people who are not interacting with others or are sleeping. The important conversations are assisted only by them and then they distort everything.

Ranking: Dan, Angelis, Manoella, Isis, Thyago, Victor.

Note: Manoella remained in the Reality Show with 53% of the public vote.

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Reality Shows

My muse has left and I will not choose another. I was thinking of switching to Ísis, but she disappointed me.

“02/01/2013 14h24 (16h06 Updated 02/01/2013)
Dan not holds and detonates strike by Ísis
Model is disgusted with the attitude of the blonde
– If anyone who received votes think he’s punching bag, Angelis never raise the bed. The obligations of the farm, if not made, hurts everyone, not just people you want to attack. The whole house is harmed. That’s why I’m angry.”

Patricia Pereira January 3, 2013 17:41
“The game of Isis’s wrong, she thinks t (that) Angelis returned from the fields because of the shacks so she’s trying to be controversial, but at this point of the game already we realize how false gossip and nonsense she is. I support for Angelis not for lack of choice, but for not be mediocre and be courageous in facing that bunch of gossips.”

That’s right, Patricia. Provocation is never a good tactic in RS or outside. The fool Victor thought that girls should not have burned the white flag of provocation, but he is mega wrong. The jeers of Ísis also left me awestruck. She is “burning” alone, without the “help” from anyone, and wants to be indicated by the house to pick her competitor in the fields (Flávia or Manoella), for a possible tiebreaker done by Victor would benefit Dan, If, really she has courage, should choose Angelis.

Some TV viewers think a RS is a kind of competition for workers, artists, illusionists, boxers or physicalists, or is circus, arena of shacks, comedy program, or roller box of “suspense” or mystery movie. RS of confinement is an entertainment where the audience is proposed to select the best person considering all their good and bad attributes to win a prize.

Most people work for necessity, not for pleasure. Typically, those who work for pleasure it is because he does not need to submit to employers and do not need a “daily bread” or already is boss. They are rare, of these away, those who can combine work with pleasure. Producers incompetent and some competent are also well, that is, take pleasure in massacring contestants with their ideas in RSs.

I think the GH12+1 not revealed to be a wonder realization, because Jaime Guerra and Mercedes Mila, despite being excellent in other areas of entertainment and journalism, are not more competent than Carelli, Brito Jr and Co. in RSs. Just inherited a structure already properly installed by competent professionals and a tradition to uphold. Basically it is the same thing occurring with the BBB, with the difference that, in this, the basic core remains. With a possible exit of Boninho, maybe things will change, and I hope it’s for the better.

Noemi Merino and Maria “jerezana” Sanchez were rivals in the game yes, but never arrived “to blows”, at least not in the mold of the “shacks” we’re used to seeing here in Brazil. That would have been a great gift for the production of GH. The education there is another. The only differential of them (to use a word in vogue in FV) is that they show everything online and respect the internet user, even foreigners.

English: Logo of Telecinco Español: Logo de Te...

English: Logo of Telecinco Español: Logo de Telecinco (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I mentioned before that I am no fan of Noemi and her lawyer I am not, but I considered too strong the wickedness they made against her for lying in GH12+1 and during her stay in Brazil. Each makes the strategy he wants in a RS and does not deserve to be excoriated after he leaves it. What happens in a confinement must remain in confinement and that is why I do not like to talk about former contestants. I speak at most of the features that are recognized by the majority. Does not is my fault like what the majority likes. At least I’m in good company and I do not I drive for opinions exacerbated by more incisive and brutal they are. If there is one thing than does not come into my heart is hate. This is bad!

Incidentally, Pipi (La Mondarina) was the largest worker inside and outside of Guadalix, and gained nothing for it. I do not applaud (the production of GH) for what they did, especially with the simulacrum of RS “La Re-Vuelta”.

RS also is not theater, nor circus, is not singing contest, of beauty, of cooking, etc. It’s contest of people, ie folks with their faults, qualities, character, personality, charisma, sincerity, truth, opinions, honesty, etc.

Sede da Tv Globo de São Paulo

Sede da Tv Globo de São Paulo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Comparing the makers Globo, Record and Telecinco, my opinion is that the Globo is still better, or, say, is the least worst. At least it

excels in quality, professionalism and respect for the contestants after they leave. When they are still confined is a different story, and I do not like the sadism, machiavellianisms, censorship of criticism of production by the contestants and the resulting persecution. After all, they are also in judgment by the public, whether they like it or not, and not only the contestants.

As TV viewers we must be vigilant, because the exploitation of communication for TV is a public service, under concessions, not only are the public authorities, who rule in our name and on our choosing, they have an obligation to watch over them. Consequently they are, yes, in our judgment, from the Continuous to the Director and President. All are equal under the law and no one is irreplaceable. Nobody is infallible, but we all have the duty to be blameless. These folks need to understand that they work for the people. We are their customers, and we are who employs them. The same reasoning applies to every artist and public servant and they should never forget that.

By no means we have to say amen to everything that they do and, because they are directors of entertainment, does not mean they are free from criticism, possessed of reason, foolproof, transparent, exempt, fair, honest and sincere. They are very good to sell products and convey advertisements. Of this there is no doubt, and it is the only thing that we must not and we can not refute. This is already the jurisdiction between them, ie, between the stations and their advertisers and commercial sponsors. Eventually, we can boycott or not see with good eyes, as consumers we are, products and sponsors that support things clearly from our displeasure.

Stop it, right? Let’s stop this thinking that someone just for being rich or powerful, is master of reason!


“Mateus França January 1, 2013 00:16
It is annoying to see all the time that sound of impact and image in black and white when it is shown Angelis, to give the impression that she is the villain of the story. I hope Brazil does not come into the wave of this production homophobic!”

Hi, Mateus. LOL. You “killed” one of the many puzzles of this Reality fool. It is also a discontinuity, such as “non-special effect”. They take a picture of any other sequence, make a discoloration and insert a sound dismal. Everything thing amateurish. Are failing to fool anyone and are only making cheap imitation of the master filmmakers. The effect only that cause is pity (to the production)! This is stopgap to spend time and not show what really matters: the images of truth.

“Anonymous December 30, 2012 17:22
…I value even more this virtue of angelis (firmness, focus) even having the production against her, yet she can play having so many false, gossips and donkeys around her. silviacm”

“I am with you and do not open”, Silvia. “Spooooke” [deep voice and cavernous of Chico Anisio]!

Socorro December 27, 2012 15:11
“…if she wins this farm is not because she deserves it yes because she knows about reality than anyone there; being spokswoman must have been very well informed…”

Socorro, she was advisor to some former contestants, I think, and (it seems) knows several of them [possibly Siri and Alemão (German), for example]. However, that does not make her less worthy of winning. The important thing is knowing how to use the privileged information and not making as Mau-Mau in the case of Maria, Rodrigão (BBB11), Felipe Folgosi (F5) or Lucas. The time of “innocence” in Reality TV already is long gone. Some participants of FV went there because they had IQ [Who indicated (Quem)]. You may not know this because it is a type of discontinuity (“Muffle the Case”). When the contestants begin to talk about it, they “cut” or reprimand by the speakers at the “roller box speechless”! The Globo also does this and usually do not show or do not wish to reveal those it “invites” to the end of the current issue. João Maurício (BBB12) talked too much and screwed up. Generally, anyone who reveals himself as a minion gets screwed.

“28/12/2012 00h41 (13h22 Updated 28/12/2012)
“You’re a monster”, says Karine to Angelis
Confined discuss strongly after the adviser (of the press) return from the fields”

This Reality are taking directions from conflicts in tavern. The traditional attitude of respect to those who are weakened by being in the spotlight it’s over once and for all. Karine was inelegant and tried to get Ibope, when she realized that the potato of Natália and her own, was baking. Before, I had noticed that she and Natália were not giving a truce to Angelis on the work, even being in the spotlight on previous occasions, while Natália herself was being spared. Okay, than was the first fields of her, but that’s not the case. I waited to see what the compact daily of Friday would show and came to see that the attitudes of Isis and Karine were extremely cowardly and revenge. I was disenchanted and realized that this feud has lasted since the entry of Angelis in the house, with some periods of calm just by falsehoods from the double funker. Along with Haysam they formed the trio which mocked from the Angelis, in the back, dancing the funk “She’s immunized!” on the dining table, and that turns and moves, is shown at the FOL. Far from “burn the film” from Angelis, these scenes testified against the funkers, so yes!

“28/12/2012 4:49 a.m. (5:14 a.m. Updated 28/12/2012)
Angelis surprises and washes the dishes during the preparation of dinner
Press officer has made it clear she does not like housework”

Who does not watch the live RS can find, with this news, which Angelis never washed dishes before in confinement. Afff! Angelis do not know cooking, and Karine declined making the dinner, preferring to be threshing in the gym. The site should give this information if it was honest. In any case, RS is not culinary competition, or for washers dishes. A farm cares for the animals and this Angelis never refused to do, despite not liking, as indeed anyone. Those who do not complain, is that they are false, and that is what is important to understand.

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“Anonymous December 26, 2012 19:26
HARD-KILL26 December 2012 14:37
“… BBB, never did champion a person like Angelis, always preferred the worker to bum …”
Why not? And Max (BBB9)did what but to be sleeping, eating and drinking, always giving orders to his “beloved” Francine, treated by him as his slave?
See how one is exempt from judgments? When you want to discuss an issue look for arguments that do not betray you and you do become equal or worse the one whom you want to dismantle.

With regard on winning the BBB, you’re right, Livia. The parameter to win the BBB was never to be a worker. Usually those who choose work in a RS to appear, it is because there is no other attributes enough to win. A portion of the public that does not know how to evaluate people, or do not have time to be looking at the contestants, choose this criterion because it is easier to notice. Diego “Alemão (German)” (BBB7) is the greatest example of winning by merit of being totally different from the worker, and is recognized as one of the biggest winners of the BBB.

There are many former contestants who gave blood at work and with it, forgot to show who were in the truth, or had nothing to show. Carlão of the BBB8 was a classic case.

In my opinion the two best women contestants in RSs in Brazil were a winner Maria (BBB11) and Gyselle (BBB8). Maria “Maried” all the time, and “did not care” for the game. Gyselle was so scrupulous about the game that when she had any reaction or attitude that could be interpreted as a game, was hiding herself in the reserved booth – WC – or under the duvets (a été se cacher dans la cabine réservée – WC – ou sous les couettes), so nobody sees her. Lost to Rafinha by a narrow margin and had to fight the whole scheme Globo, where even emissaries were sent into the house to try to destabilize her. Nobody has ever accepted that she was a girl so quiet and well behaved, and while a dancer so gorgeous. Many mistakenly interpreted this as a split personality, for pure envy. Marcelo Arantes (BBB8) that say it, if a psychologist is.

Some combine physical beauty with the disposition for work and fail to show who are in the truth or fail to pay attention to the game, preferring to exhibit the body while working. This is just a strategy to last in the game, and not to win. Exemplary case about it is that of Nicole (F5) and many others, as Kellinha of the BBB12.

Others use the strategy to be “buddies” of all, which can lead to the Final, but hardly to win. Cases of Kadu Parga (BBB10), Léo Áquila (F5) and many others. Some can not convince “right away” and leak sooner. So it’s a dangerous strategy. In short, pre-established strategies almost never work. It is best to act with respect, humanity, sincerity and firmness of character. Do not be false to anyone and stay calm in the face of falsehood against itself, because the all-seeing eye, the people’s, will protect you. Unfortunately the TV Record want to be that eye and that’s the biggest mistake of them. They consider themselves the most qualified to know the contestants, and that is usually among producers to RSs. If so they would have sympathy for the contestants, and would not make wickedness against them.

When I refer to game I want to emphasize that I speak of voting and the need to defend himself. Nothing more. Who does intrigue, gossip, use strategies or embarks in the traps of production in order to play, play dirty. All production teams in RSs instigate the game. This is a handy method to make the contestant to show who he is. In fact highlights the inability to use other means more civilized and more appreciated by the audience. The BBB has advanced in this direction, but still falls far short to the ideal. You could say that TV Record is still in its infancy in this area. Clear example is Rodrigo Faro say in stylish Bial: “Pay attention to the game”!

To be clear. we must distinguish the game from the player. You must judge the player, not his game. No one should win a RS for being the greatest player. What happens is that when everyone plays, one who plays less dishonestly are who should win. That’s it! This is not to say that the best player wins in quantitative terms but in qualitative terms. This was the case with Max (BBB9), in my view, without taking into account their wit, or enter into discrediting considerations.

Now, in this FV nobody is neglecting the game has long. The case is that they are playing wrong, but it would be impossible to play right with such interference, lack of transparency and “gaming” from the production itself to seek audience or discriminate / benefit contestants. If the production discriminates against the preferred of the public, the public discriminates against production. If protects those who are indifferent to this public, this expels that ones. This is logical. Sometimes they deceive the public about who is really being protected and someone else suffers (case of Claudia), but it is terrible for the production, because the chicanery is discovered soon. Under these conditions, no one can play it right, since the order is to play by the simple act of playing, regardless of feelings or who is the winner or the loser.

The advice I would give for the production is: be impartial, fair, transparent, show everything and do not interfere. Maybe then the public again rely on the work of you. When trust is established, are no longer needed ploys, hits sensationalized, plays with the audience and “little secrets” to tease the curiosity of the audience. Only then you will be able to compete with Globo. Not the audience that needs to increase and trust in the broadcaster so you improve the RS. RS is the one that needs to improve so that the public go back.

Another thing: do a good RS in period not coincident with the competition and then enter the arena together with something recognizably able to play for real and not just to “look like competing”. In other words, first rise in the rankings, and then, contesting against the champion! Nobody likes to see a “sparring” being slain in a ring. It’s depressing! All these are obviousness, but it seems that they are not seeing.

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Angelis x Natalia

The “Stone Woman” will find that beauty is not essential in a RS.

Votalhada and I have no favorite participants to say to the readers. We are like sports referees: we sounded whistles without rights to manifest explicit empathies, obeying the rules with fairplay.


“HARD-KILL December 26, 2012 24:45
since Dan woke up twice, why the “ma’am”, lazy, preppy, pampered by the Angelis did not wake up? It would be because she did not want to work she said they did not awaken her? This I want to see if Frank Killer has the courage to answer”

Hard, nobody is saying that Angelis is a Maria Teresa of Calcutta. My answer to you is in the text where you inserted your inquiry. Read more carefully:

“The production of FV know that a part of the “galley” has this narrow view on a RS, and that is why they much emphasize the only defect that openly admits having Angelis. She certainly has other defects and one of them is “do not bring insults to home”, but the production knows that talking about it gives points for her. For my part, I do not judge participants according to criteria of laziness or disposition to work. If so Felipe Folgosi (F5) and Rodrigo Carril should win in their RSs or Kelly of the BBB12 (even by their amazing physical resistance). So…”

Brazilian actor Felipe Folgosi.

Brazilian actor Felipe Folgosi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s amazing how fate is capricious! The production is being forced to swallow Angelis, the heroin they fabricated with the mess they made from the fray of Summer Party. If they had not done all that, the story of the RS could have been different. Both the other contestants as well as the production did not expect such a brave mineira “bounce back” and is now the record holder of fields from the RS, going to the sixth seat almost consecutively. And there’s more at least 5 fields to the Final on days 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31/1.

If all goes as it has been until now she may still have to face at least 3 more, not counting the fields on the Final. This is an absolute record considering all editions of Artists’ House, Farm-celebrities, and editions of the BBB!

If there are no double fields, or calendar changes, or more than one fields per week, the Final will be in the first week of February, if a final by 3. From what the presenter said, that the program still lasts a month, more or less, may be the Final by four, that is, with four finalists.

From what I know of finals with 4, you can make a program bombastic with many options to create interesting things. Everything would then depend on the capacity and competence of the production. They can not forget that the BBB may be booming in Ibope, on occasion.

If Angelis pass through fields against Thyago and Ísis, the Record TV can then deposit the award in her account! I wonder what would happen if there were not occurred the 3 dropouts (Simões, Halan and Haysam) and the expulsion of Lucas. Probably the intention would be to compete with the BBB by the end of February. It would be pretentious, I think, with a format so ridiculous, so much sleight of data, children’s plays and lack of transparency.

“14/12/2012 14h53 (17h28 Updated 14/12/2012)
“Angelis is cool, but we can not forget that she is manipulative”, Natália detonates”
That is exactly what Natália was doing (handling) with Karine. In the case, was trying to influence Karine against Angelis and Flávia. In a formation of fields on which the presenter said that Angelis was the biggest manipulator of the game, maybe he wanted to refer to Natália, because precisely in this fields Angelis had their votes annulled by Carril and not vote for anyone. Even still, she was able to make her group to immunize Manoella.

Ranking: Manoella, Flávia, Ísis, Thyago, Victor, Natália, Dan, Karine


“28/10/2012 17h19 (Updated 29.10.2012 15:10)
Know Natalia Inoue, another participant announced for Farm Summer
The brunette is a model, was born in Curitiba, Paraná, but was created in the United States
31/10/2012 22h09 (22h15 Updated 31/10/2012)
Natalia Inoue is 27, is a dancer and was born in Rio de Janeiro. The participant currently lives in Curitiba (PR).

Cristo Redentor do Rio de Janeiro

Cristo Redentor do Rio de Janeiro (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The girl made a point of saying that does not carry insults to home.
– It is not anyone who will stick their finger in my face.
How will be the trajectory of the candidate in reality, eh?”
The festival of disinformation started before starting the RS. After all she is from Curitiba or Rio?

“07/11/2012 17:05 (Updated 07/11/2012 19h38)
After the fight (with Sacra?), Natalia toasts the audience with a delightful sun bath
The oriental beauty isolated herself from the group and stood under the sun”
Another biased news, at least in the headline. How saying fight? If the girl nor opened her mouth in the “explosion” of Sacra! Interestingly, the same report was repeated soon afterwards on the site.

“13/11/2012 15h36 (15h48 Updated 13/11/2012)
“Gabriela is strange to me, she does not look in my face”, says Natália”
They was talking of votes. It seems that Nuelle and Bianca would also be “in this”, but Bianca certainly goes in Simões, for she could not go on Angelis (immunized in the fields of the barn), and leaving Natália for the following weeks.

“13/11/2012 12:55 (Updated 13/11/2012 13h01)
Gabriela says she will vote for Natália in the formation of the fields
Instigated by Bianca, Gabriela revealed that also will vote for Natália. She said the oriental is the person she least talk”
It seems they are “arming” against Natália in voting group, but if Simões is already in the hot seat will hardly want to go to the fields against her. If themselves fall into the fields (the girls) may “leak” of Reality.

“20/11/2012 3:05 a.m. (3:57 a.m. Updated 20/11/2012)
“The potatoes are roasting”, heated tempers between confined
– I’m here baqing your potatoes (Raphael), but not to criticize you, but to ask a favor. From what I’ve seen, before you suffer a preconception, Angelis is there to defend you. sometimes the bias is in the head who always brings it up. I want to ask you a favor to take the lead and impose yourself.”
Dear Natália, you just give a double shot in your own foot. You raised the issue (preconception) and intended to create enmity among friends. Apparently succeeded, and Raphael refused thereafter to be defended by Angelis.

“21/11/2012 4:16 a.m. (4:43 a.m. Updated 21/11/2012)
Natália can not stop laughing and intrigue Isis and Haysam
Karine arrived and the model has revealed the reason for their laughter”
From what I gathered from her explanation and gesture she made, Natália is suggesting that she and Karine seduce Dan and Victor to join them (Haysam, Isis, Karine and Natalia) against the rest of the house. Victor, she managed to snag, but her target would be Dan.

“26/11/2012 08:00 (Updated 26/11/2012 9:15 a.m.)
Without sleep Haysam and Natalia gossip overnight
The duo took the opportunity to “snipe” the companions of confinement”
The scenes in this video edited and others, recorded in the early hours of this Monday, 26, were not shown live on R7. So are not reliable the views of the newscaster in the recording.

“05/12/2012 1:36 a.m. (3:09 a.m. Updated 05/12/2012)
Thyago says he was stunned by vote of Natália
– I think she buys votes with this thing about mother. If someone was “brooding” is hypocritical”.
I think Natalie was cruel to the feelings of Nuelle. What she said on the vote was a lot worse than the curses of mothers occurred in confinement. You can disrespect a person in many ways, but disparage feelings universally accepted is different and very serious. Showed that she is heartless and cold.

’19 / 12/2012 11h23 (14h52 Updated 19/12/2012)
Natália Inoue destroys Flavia: “She’s a fool” ‘
Natália was trying to co-opt Dan, so she was wanting to remove Flávia from the Reality!

Ranking: Karine, Victor, Ísis, Thyago, Manoella, Angelis, Flávia, Dan

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