The Blind Queen

In a game of chess, the most powerful piece is the queen. It is the most protective of their King and the terror of the enemy King. It certainly does not play alone, but when needed by the strategy of the game, certain pieces of the same color can and should be sacrificed for the sake of victory. I do not know if Angelis plays chess or know the rules and strategies involved, but what she has done and is doing is like a chess match.

As I shall devote a larger portion of my time to BBB13, I leave this analysis to fans of the Farm Summer that will devote their attention to it, instead of the BBB. In these analyzes, Angelis takes zero on two requirements, but she achieves significant scores in other respects, in relation to others. In qualitative terms she is a great player, one of the best I’ve ever seen, but even so my grade is zero, because I do not agree with contestants players.

Consequently she takes zero also in sincerity, because it is impossible to play at this level with sincerity. This is the reason why some fans of RS disagree with her performance. However she was forced to play to defend herself from a house where she realized that everyone was playing against her. In the barn she had shown that she was smart to realize that she was playing against Cacá only. At that point I still had not realized that she was so good player, but she showed me that she was very intelligent, her greatest attribute.

Moreover she is charismatic and honest, has no shade and is not an exhibitionist. One wonders: how so, honest, if she is a liar, and not a little sincere? The answer is: her game and strategy. If everyone is lying, being hypocritical, manipulating and gossiping, she allowed herself to get away a bit of the truth and use part of the strategy of their opponents too, and that also it included lying, so she can move more easily. Overall she still would gain. Victor said he had to “take off the hat to her” and it’s true.

That is why the wrath of Ísis. She was trying to do the same, but has no intelligence and no knowledge of RS for this. She spent the whole time swingin along with Karine, forced into a role, thinking that was enough to win, added to a faked good relationship with everyone. At that point there’s no way to redirect the strategy of her without the mask, even if she changes from water to wine as a real person. I took only 2 points for what she has done lately, but maybe I should have taken more.

The presence of Nicole also had that goal (pacify Ísis), but the public has already chosen their favorites and is hopeless. When she, Karine and Haysam thought that Angelis was weak, they filled up to mock her behind her back and it does not fade easily. Nicole quoted the Bible, “The humiliated will be exalted!”, But I doubt that Ísis and Co. understood the message. The smart Nicole would not compromise her credibility on behalf of the production, though appearing to be trying unsuccessfully exempt. It’s a delicate situation, I agree!

Thyago and Flávia embarked on the so called “couple strategy” and have gone awry, because this is a two-way strategy. Both partners must have a “chemistry”, otherwise do not convince. In the case of Flávia is more complicated, because apparently she just “fallen” for a guy (Dan) who does not care for her. By my estimates, this romance has a great chance of ending before it’s over the Reality, or not to continue after it.

Of the three remaining men. it may even happen that two arrive the last week of the RS, one of them being Thyago, more on account of protection of the production than which his own merits, because they are a negation as contestants (to win with authority). Dan is struggling at work, but this is his only quality, or the one that showed so far. I think this aspect is not important and serves more as a shield to hide who the person really is.

Dan himself has said more than once that he agreed to submit to the judgment of the people aware that people out here do not know and have no way of knowing who they really are. He is mistaken on one point: that only happens if he hide (at work, for example) behind a mask or in a relationship faked. On their behalf, I can point out a beautiful thing that he spoke to Flávia, which proves he has good culture: “The voices that are in your head, are yours. You can choose or listen to the ones you want. The choice is yours”.

Manoella is a smart girl and is the only one who could defeat Angelis. Angelis knows this and so she remains “glued” to her, knowing that Manoella possesses inside information which are both knowing how to use. This is not wrong because it is not the fault of them if the production called her without insure themselves from a suitable isolation period prior. In fact both enjoy the mutual protection.

Angelis owns a very strong personality and enviable. She is feared and respected even by men of the house. In this aspect she gives ten to zero in the others, and it’s not only because of the game. She knew how to “pick” the weaknesses of each and is liquidating one by one. For that reason they do some complain that she hits “in the wound”. They provoked the lioness! Now bear with the consequences, because “in the land of blind people, the one-eyed is king”, or queen!

The small table below shows the scores that I had the patience to assemble for each of the seven remaining in the house. In fact, I did this for all the contestants except Cacá, Leandro and Lucas for not dispose of sufficient data. One week just is not enough to evaluate properly a contestant. My reviews about Cláudia were a little misleading because of this. The number of requisits considered reached 35, where about one third were negative requisites (12) and points ranged from 0 to 18, or 18 to zero on the positive attributes. Two or more contestants may not receive the same score on each item, according to my method.

To reduce the table to seven contestants the points were divided by 3 and rounded to integers. The correct would wait until the exit of another and thus would not be necessary rounding, as was done in F5, but the way it was going at FV, no appreciable change occurred for seven people.

The items were reduced to 8 basic classes as explained in the legend, and were disregarded the requisites relating to physical attributes (strength, endurance, dexterity, skill, sense of equilibrium, etc.) because women would be disadvantaged if maintained.


  • J – Game (includes strategies, tactics, deceit, gossip, intrigue, hypocrisy, lies, provocation, etc.).
  • E – Exhibitionism, leadership, forced debauchery, singings, “tales”, “causing”, etc.
  • M – mask, pretense, dissimulation, falsehood.
  • I – Intelligence, wit, perception, mental agility and reading of the game.
  • C – Charisma, leadership, ability to articulate.
  • P – Personality, attitude, consistency, disembarrassment.
  • S – Sincerity, heart, loyalty, strength of character, sensitivity, clarity of conduct.
  • H – Honesty, loyalty, maintaining commitment, right payment for the right price. Justice.

Honesty dintingue up in sincerity for justice and lack of sensitivity. Not always what is sincere is humane and fair and vice versa. Excess of sincerity is faulty (no one needs to be honest to the point of offending and hurting) and super-sincerity is the harsh honesty, implacable and insensitive, besides being impolite in some cases. There are cases where a lie is most applauded of what a truth. Natália lost many points there.


Honesty (Photo credit: Fluffymuppet)

Exaggerate these things is deadly in a RS. Not everything that is applauded in theory is accepted in practice, especially in RS, where the focus is and always should be at cohabitation in the hard way. Angelis does it very well when exempts herself from unnecessarily embarrass the colleagues with what she knows. She uses it as an instrument to play when it’s convenient. I do not approve, but I understand. However not swiped me to assigning zero on the items sincerity and playing. The big thing is that she is strong in other areas.

Simões would be the winner in my estimation (41), but most likely he would lose himself in the game and that’s why he quit, for not being sure where he was getting into. So he had the highest score among all, including Angelis.

Cláudia (34), Bianca (33) and Nuelle (31) had higher scores than Manoella. Karine (29) and Gaby (28) have more points than Thyago. Natália (21) scored more than Dan and Victor. The others had less points than Victor except Haysam (14), who was tied with him.

Thyago detracted greatly from the harassment on Flavia and was on the verge of losing the game, but regained his equilibrium after hearing the message of Christmas from his mother. Ísis told that she (the mother of Thyago) is an ardent fan of the Realities. If this is true, we can suspect for a secret code embedded in the message, but that’s just speculation on my part and I should not open my “big mouth” about it. For me, Thyago deserves to be in the Final, but not to win.

The RS will soon end and nothing that happened in confinement, then it will not matter, except the legacy that each will take in this fascinating experience, throughout life.


“04/01/2013 00h24 (Updated 04/01/2013 1:59 a.m.)
Nicole Bahls participates in the Farm Summer
Ex-pawn entered the reality this weekend. Surprises do not go missing. Do not miss it!”
Poor girl Nicole! Will be used as “attraction” to dispute audience with the site of Globo. I know that the FOL will work, then, full steam ahead and I will not waste my time failing to see the BBB to see her parading her lush body without adding anything to the Reality in edited videos. There will be a plethora of videos trying to hold the viewer and Internet user on the small screen of TV Record and “live” in the following days. I feel sorry for her fans too, for this “trick” they are doing with them. Be relaxed, because Votalhada and Frank Killer blogs will tell you what is going on in the BBB.

“06/01/2013 2:43 a.m. (3:47 a.m. Updated 06/01/2013)
Nicole falls in gotcha and takes the biggest scare”
If she was really watching the RS as she spoke, would not have fallen into that old and worn “gotcha”.

“06/01/2013 9:12 a.m. (Updated 06.01.2013 14:00)
That cute! Nicole Bahls prepares breakfast for confined”
Nicole seems to have made good use of at F5 to improve her relationship with people. If she had behaved like this, would have gone to at Final in F5. Just need to be a little less flamboyant.

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Reality Shows

My muse has left and I will not choose another. I was thinking of switching to Ísis, but she disappointed me.

“02/01/2013 14h24 (16h06 Updated 02/01/2013)
Dan not holds and detonates strike by Ísis
Model is disgusted with the attitude of the blonde
– If anyone who received votes think he’s punching bag, Angelis never raise the bed. The obligations of the farm, if not made, hurts everyone, not just people you want to attack. The whole house is harmed. That’s why I’m angry.”

Patricia Pereira January 3, 2013 17:41
“The game of Isis’s wrong, she thinks t (that) Angelis returned from the fields because of the shacks so she’s trying to be controversial, but at this point of the game already we realize how false gossip and nonsense she is. I support for Angelis not for lack of choice, but for not be mediocre and be courageous in facing that bunch of gossips.”

That’s right, Patricia. Provocation is never a good tactic in RS or outside. The fool Victor thought that girls should not have burned the white flag of provocation, but he is mega wrong. The jeers of Ísis also left me awestruck. She is “burning” alone, without the “help” from anyone, and wants to be indicated by the house to pick her competitor in the fields (Flávia or Manoella), for a possible tiebreaker done by Victor would benefit Dan, If, really she has courage, should choose Angelis.

Some TV viewers think a RS is a kind of competition for workers, artists, illusionists, boxers or physicalists, or is circus, arena of shacks, comedy program, or roller box of “suspense” or mystery movie. RS of confinement is an entertainment where the audience is proposed to select the best person considering all their good and bad attributes to win a prize.

Most people work for necessity, not for pleasure. Typically, those who work for pleasure it is because he does not need to submit to employers and do not need a “daily bread” or already is boss. They are rare, of these away, those who can combine work with pleasure. Producers incompetent and some competent are also well, that is, take pleasure in massacring contestants with their ideas in RSs.

I think the GH12+1 not revealed to be a wonder realization, because Jaime Guerra and Mercedes Mila, despite being excellent in other areas of entertainment and journalism, are not more competent than Carelli, Brito Jr and Co. in RSs. Just inherited a structure already properly installed by competent professionals and a tradition to uphold. Basically it is the same thing occurring with the BBB, with the difference that, in this, the basic core remains. With a possible exit of Boninho, maybe things will change, and I hope it’s for the better.

Noemi Merino and Maria “jerezana” Sanchez were rivals in the game yes, but never arrived “to blows”, at least not in the mold of the “shacks” we’re used to seeing here in Brazil. That would have been a great gift for the production of GH. The education there is another. The only differential of them (to use a word in vogue in FV) is that they show everything online and respect the internet user, even foreigners.

English: Logo of Telecinco Español: Logo de Te...

English: Logo of Telecinco Español: Logo de Telecinco (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I mentioned before that I am no fan of Noemi and her lawyer I am not, but I considered too strong the wickedness they made against her for lying in GH12+1 and during her stay in Brazil. Each makes the strategy he wants in a RS and does not deserve to be excoriated after he leaves it. What happens in a confinement must remain in confinement and that is why I do not like to talk about former contestants. I speak at most of the features that are recognized by the majority. Does not is my fault like what the majority likes. At least I’m in good company and I do not I drive for opinions exacerbated by more incisive and brutal they are. If there is one thing than does not come into my heart is hate. This is bad!

Incidentally, Pipi (La Mondarina) was the largest worker inside and outside of Guadalix, and gained nothing for it. I do not applaud (the production of GH) for what they did, especially with the simulacrum of RS “La Re-Vuelta”.

RS also is not theater, nor circus, is not singing contest, of beauty, of cooking, etc. It’s contest of people, ie folks with their faults, qualities, character, personality, charisma, sincerity, truth, opinions, honesty, etc.

Sede da Tv Globo de São Paulo

Sede da Tv Globo de São Paulo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Comparing the makers Globo, Record and Telecinco, my opinion is that the Globo is still better, or, say, is the least worst. At least it

excels in quality, professionalism and respect for the contestants after they leave. When they are still confined is a different story, and I do not like the sadism, machiavellianisms, censorship of criticism of production by the contestants and the resulting persecution. After all, they are also in judgment by the public, whether they like it or not, and not only the contestants.

As TV viewers we must be vigilant, because the exploitation of communication for TV is a public service, under concessions, not only are the public authorities, who rule in our name and on our choosing, they have an obligation to watch over them. Consequently they are, yes, in our judgment, from the Continuous to the Director and President. All are equal under the law and no one is irreplaceable. Nobody is infallible, but we all have the duty to be blameless. These folks need to understand that they work for the people. We are their customers, and we are who employs them. The same reasoning applies to every artist and public servant and they should never forget that.

By no means we have to say amen to everything that they do and, because they are directors of entertainment, does not mean they are free from criticism, possessed of reason, foolproof, transparent, exempt, fair, honest and sincere. They are very good to sell products and convey advertisements. Of this there is no doubt, and it is the only thing that we must not and we can not refute. This is already the jurisdiction between them, ie, between the stations and their advertisers and commercial sponsors. Eventually, we can boycott or not see with good eyes, as consumers we are, products and sponsors that support things clearly from our displeasure.

Stop it, right? Let’s stop this thinking that someone just for being rich or powerful, is master of reason!


“Mateus França January 1, 2013 00:16
It is annoying to see all the time that sound of impact and image in black and white when it is shown Angelis, to give the impression that she is the villain of the story. I hope Brazil does not come into the wave of this production homophobic!”

Hi, Mateus. LOL. You “killed” one of the many puzzles of this Reality fool. It is also a discontinuity, such as “non-special effect”. They take a picture of any other sequence, make a discoloration and insert a sound dismal. Everything thing amateurish. Are failing to fool anyone and are only making cheap imitation of the master filmmakers. The effect only that cause is pity (to the production)! This is stopgap to spend time and not show what really matters: the images of truth.

“Anonymous December 30, 2012 17:22
…I value even more this virtue of angelis (firmness, focus) even having the production against her, yet she can play having so many false, gossips and donkeys around her. silviacm”

“I am with you and do not open”, Silvia. “Spooooke” [deep voice and cavernous of Chico Anisio]!

Socorro December 27, 2012 15:11
“…if she wins this farm is not because she deserves it yes because she knows about reality than anyone there; being spokswoman must have been very well informed…”

Socorro, she was advisor to some former contestants, I think, and (it seems) knows several of them [possibly Siri and Alemão (German), for example]. However, that does not make her less worthy of winning. The important thing is knowing how to use the privileged information and not making as Mau-Mau in the case of Maria, Rodrigão (BBB11), Felipe Folgosi (F5) or Lucas. The time of “innocence” in Reality TV already is long gone. Some participants of FV went there because they had IQ [Who indicated (Quem)]. You may not know this because it is a type of discontinuity (“Muffle the Case”). When the contestants begin to talk about it, they “cut” or reprimand by the speakers at the “roller box speechless”! The Globo also does this and usually do not show or do not wish to reveal those it “invites” to the end of the current issue. João Maurício (BBB12) talked too much and screwed up. Generally, anyone who reveals himself as a minion gets screwed.

“28/12/2012 00h41 (13h22 Updated 28/12/2012)
“You’re a monster”, says Karine to Angelis
Confined discuss strongly after the adviser (of the press) return from the fields”

This Reality are taking directions from conflicts in tavern. The traditional attitude of respect to those who are weakened by being in the spotlight it’s over once and for all. Karine was inelegant and tried to get Ibope, when she realized that the potato of Natália and her own, was baking. Before, I had noticed that she and Natália were not giving a truce to Angelis on the work, even being in the spotlight on previous occasions, while Natália herself was being spared. Okay, than was the first fields of her, but that’s not the case. I waited to see what the compact daily of Friday would show and came to see that the attitudes of Isis and Karine were extremely cowardly and revenge. I was disenchanted and realized that this feud has lasted since the entry of Angelis in the house, with some periods of calm just by falsehoods from the double funker. Along with Haysam they formed the trio which mocked from the Angelis, in the back, dancing the funk “She’s immunized!” on the dining table, and that turns and moves, is shown at the FOL. Far from “burn the film” from Angelis, these scenes testified against the funkers, so yes!

“28/12/2012 4:49 a.m. (5:14 a.m. Updated 28/12/2012)
Angelis surprises and washes the dishes during the preparation of dinner
Press officer has made it clear she does not like housework”

Who does not watch the live RS can find, with this news, which Angelis never washed dishes before in confinement. Afff! Angelis do not know cooking, and Karine declined making the dinner, preferring to be threshing in the gym. The site should give this information if it was honest. In any case, RS is not culinary competition, or for washers dishes. A farm cares for the animals and this Angelis never refused to do, despite not liking, as indeed anyone. Those who do not complain, is that they are false, and that is what is important to understand.

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Discontinuity 4

“Muffle the Case”

Some discontinuities are motivated by widespread conflict, where even the technicians are so concerned that even “forget” the netizen. The Internet user fuck it to himself, and watch the videos edited in compact daily if he wants to know what’s going on. What happened between Bianca and Angelis was only partially cleared after Bianca was eliminated in another field against Angelis. Meanwhile, Claudia “paid the duck.” The RS fan has to read between the lines to “bypass” the trinkets they pose or deduce what they took. Such discontinuities are of type “Muffle the case”!

When the contestants talk about celebrities or acts of production or when they do merchandising improper or criticize the program or speak of programs of the broadcasters competitors, they enter with the discontinuity “Muffle the case”. Deep down is all hypocrisy, because in normal life you do that, and there’s nothing much to speak of these things naturally. Each one is responsible of what he speaks and all are accountable. The production should not fear being referenced, unless they has their ass stuck and do not have to take reprisals against anyone who criticizes them. Nobody is infallible but we all have the duty to be blameless.

For those unaware, yesterday (21/12/2012) began a new era in the history of the human race. An important event that only occurs every 26,000 years or so occurred just yesterday. For this reason we must begin now to clear our minds of old vices and seek to be better people so we can improve the world with a race more enlightened and aware for a better future. The production of the RS toyed with that date, but they may not know the real meaning of it, as well as many “good people”, because if they knew, not do that. It seems that they do not read own books, and if they read, they do not understand.

Patricia Pereira December 21, 2012 08:01

Hard, The hayssan got the message from Luke, he was the greatest player and manipulator, not lacking intelligence, with the persecution of Lucas he understood th h (that here) out he had a large degree of rejection, Lucas got tired of talking th t (that the) people and nobody liked him, he cleverly asked to leave, eno (a) person who has panic symdrome, does not enter into a reality to stay CONTAINED, he not even reported it to the pseudos “psychologists” of this RS.He realized th (that) was a sidekick to the protagonist of the public.

Your analysis is entirely correct, Patricia. Haysam was not in a panic attack at the time of withdrawal. He gave up on a cool head, strategically. Who knows, he would not have been advised to do so? I noticed that he meditated long, long time on this decision, before hitting the bell. However it is true that he has this problem and should seek psychological therapeutic help.

Jefesom Douglas, Fernanda Mattos, Hard, Paula and Igor, the big question is: If the public accepts and does not clash with what they see in their everyday life, why be shocked to see the same things on TV? It would be a false morality and preconception or conservative, or the 3 things? An RS would be the ideal way to take to clean this issue. I propose the following poll:

If the Record TV show romantic scenes between Angelis and Manu, you would:

32.06% Find natural, no problems.
21.12% Vote for them to go to the Final.
16.03% Increase your interest in the program.
13.23% Believe in the sincerity of the relationship.
05.09% Be shocked and would find inappropriate.
05.09% Not believe in the sincerity of them.
03.56% Vote for them to leave the program.
02.80% Have other attitudes, different from above.
01.00% No longer attend the RS.

(partial to 01:40 pm – 12/23/2012) – If you want, you can answer this poll on the blog Votalhada in my comment in Portuguese – in the section entitled


You probably would opt for 4 or 5 attitudes, but would have to be true to yourself and not letting yourself be influenced by fashion or the opinions of others. Answer for yourself and then compare with what you would respond in public or if you were a contestant.


I am sympathetic with your outrage, Cissa. But let us not forget that, what there, is worth one million reais and, without declining names, things are happening much more serious than curses of mothers inside and outside also it in the wings. It would be our mission as judges, choose the least worst, similar to what happens within the political framework. Swearing, loss of control, and screaming (shacks) are consequences (symptoms) of ridicule, disregard, malice, provocation, falsehoods and other ills of human beings (causes). You would be confusing symptoms with causes. Was worried about the symptoms, but should seek the causes. This is how one acts in medicine, and, why not act similarly in justice? These ailments or causes are in turn caused by deficiencies deeper in our society, in poor education, in politics opportunist, in health poorly attended and in the lack of social security, etc.

Carril cried for several reasons but the main one was for repentance. He repented for having grossly insulted a woman, to have made falsehood, speak for bravery, by playing without regard to feelings, not knowing how to play, etc. The main precipitating of that crying was the conflict between game and honesty. Game is not compatible with honesty and, as a lawyer, he knows it. If he agreed to play should continue playing until the end. If he decided to be honest, had to abdicate the game from the beginning, because of in a game, you do not abdicate just on the last bid. A suicide bid does not make anyone a hero. Shall he be just a poor guy who thinks he is fooling everyone as being brave. RS is not a game where you can bluff and, in essence, is no game.


Carril “hung up his boots” when he considered more suitable, like Haysam, and the big car which he won paid off more than desired his act of “courage”! No car would compensate the enormous rejection that Haysam would have in a fields against Angelis and he thought it would be better not to give her that pleasure.


“Thanks Brazil for the fifth time!”

“21/11/2012 12h38 (Updated 21.11.2012 12:51 pm)
Rodrigo Carril says that within the reality, you must create enemies
Lawyer talks to Dan about the game
– With this story of being a game, it created the need to be one against the other and create enemies.”

Good point, if he was honest. Particularly I do not think so. Do what, though? When everybody plays, who is not playing “splashes”, because it is necessary to defend himself. This is the dream of unscrupulous producers. The leveling becomes underneath. For my part I always support those who do not play or play only to defend themselves. The “enemy” in this conversation was Angelis.

“14/12/2012 13.05 (Updated 14/12/2012 13h11)
Angelis gives her opinion on tonight’s elimination and detonates colleagues of confinement
Spokeswoman and Natália talk about fields and Team Grasshoppers
– Let’s face it, in our group, no one likes to work.”

Angelis is perfect in their assessments, and hammering goes accurate. In the same conversation she said does not help any more game strategy and that the public already has his favorites and will only change if something exceptional happens. For her, now, only those who play is the people. It would be absolutely correct if she included the production!

“20/12/2012 10h22 (10h32 Updated 20/12/2012)
Angelis and Manoella lock themselves in the booth and group receive heavy punishment
Participants will be 60 hours without the gym and indoor plumbing
– Thyago, now you’ll have to win the duel tomorrow!
Angelis, who was present at the time of the announcement, remained silent all the time”

This punishment in fact, is a hypocrisy, because Angelis criticized the production. They never forgive those things! For this reason is that the punishment was so heavy and relentless. Notice the phrase: (Angelis) “remained silent all the time”.

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Discontinuity 3

Silent Movies

Silent Movies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Silent Movies

To be credible the edited videos must be evidenced by a minimum content displayed online live, but the simulacrum of live coverage is evident even in the eyes of any “nonsense”. It would be the height of absurdity show in the edited videos in the compact daily only scenes that were not shown live on the site. If that’s what they want, then it is better to abolish the live coverage, so that the Internet audience is not accused of complicity with what they are doing and do not get upset just by watching crap who is not interesting to watch and being focused relentlessly. The public will vote in the fields then only in accordance with the vision and preference of directors, becoming “combined” tacitly that it is all just fiction, manipulation (commandism) and “directionism”.

It seems that FV (Farm Summer) is only a program “stop-gap” to justify the lease of the property where the normal editing is performed with celebrities, given the poverty of the scenarios and economy in expenditure. That would explain all the discontinuity that is going on, with the FOL to disguise. The transmission of images without sound is another type of discontinuity (“Silent Movies”), sometimes observed in RSs in exchanges of technical personnel shifts simultaneously on TV stations of second category (or even not being the case here, because of obsolete equipment). It is best to deliver the Farm On Line (FOL) for Itu or abolish it once and for all and leave them with the “Hot Banana” in their hands, so they are definitely sinking or are they more professionals.

Logo of Rede Globo since 2008, designed by Hans DonnerWith obsolete equipment, the removal of the sound is caused, or purposely made (for compact daily) when are recorded scenes which are being broadcast simultaneously live. In the Globo this can be observed, sometimes, on Pay-Per-View. I already complained that with my service provider of Cable TV and they claimed that the problem was in the generation of images. I checked later that this happened also, and simultaneously, with other providers of Cable TV. Now I have two (providers) to resolve such cases.

Cable tv

Cable tv (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“18/12/2012 8:32 a.m. (9:20 a.m. Updated 18/12/2012)
Know the people who, for some, did not enter the Farm Summer”
Based on the characteristics of the candidates refused, one realizes that the profile preferred by production was the players. Bad choice and bad decision!

When they prefer players, and manifest, later, preferably by them early on, blew the RS. Production, at least learn this lesson: be scrupulously exempt and not express preferences, especially at the beginning of an issue. If these preferred “walk on the ball” with the public, this discounts against the production. If they persecute someone, the public protects them! The damage caused is not extinguished during the time of the issue and the public does not forget so quickly!

“paula December 20, 2012 09:37
for who was calling raisan gay look there who’s gay in the home at least it is curious how the masks are falling little by little that is why they do not show much both. but yesterday in the party I saw the two kissing.”

Angelis said explicitly “the (man)” gay of the house. She had already stated before in an activity that had kissed other girls and that she would still be virgin! Angelis can have all the defects, but has a prodigious memory and is not a liar. At least I have not noticed it! About the kiss in the party, it may even be fact, but I confess I did not see, and the production has not yet decided to “open wide” it, at least until the time that I write this text (20/12/12 16:00).

“Anonymous December 20, 2012 14:20
well I do not think they do not show t (to) not hinder her cause (because) it is more than clear that they want to burn the image of angelis
yesterday at the beginning of the edition began with rodrigo faro calling her (Angelis) “The biggest manipulator of the game”
H. Igor”

I agree with you, Igor H. I disagree with those who think that disclosure of explicit images of a lesbian relationship would be detrimental to Angelis. Once this matter began to be ventilated in the media, preferences for Angelis and Manu in web polls have only grown. The data below in the poll of Votalhada, show that:

Days —->15       16       17      18      19      20/12
Angelis 46.26 49.28 47.16  50     51.21 52.09%
Manoella 8.72   9.39 10.06 10.53 10.66 11.63%

(Together the two climbed 9 points (8.74%) in five days).

AngelisReprodução/Rede Record

“27/11/2012 7:21 a.m. (7:40 a.m. Updated 27/11/2012)
“I’ll make a scandal depending on who vote for me”, says Haysam”
He was using all possible illicit means, including intimidation, to stay in the RS or to avoid going to the fields. He does not mind having bad or good fame, if it is fame. Haysam still thought Angelis was weak.

“01/12/2012 1:12 a.m. (1:56 a.m. Updated 01/12/2012)
Haysam makes crazy request to the friends of the reality
Promoter wants to face Lucas Barreto on the fields
– If I ask, you vote for me? I really want to go to the fields with him [Lucas].”
He saw an opportunity to strengthen himself to face Angelis later. This may just be a “game scene” to “appear”, because Sacra said he was not a man to sit in the “small stool” beside Angelis. Haysam knew that the rookie (Lucas) was immune this week and also that the public knew it. I would bet that in the next few weeks he would run away from any fields like a coward rat if he were still in the RS. Some contestants are in the Reality just aiming to stay as long as possible and Haysam was one of them, but could not withstand the pressure because of a psychological problem.

“09/12/2012 18h38 (18h44 Updated 09/12/2012)
Happy with the resolution of the problem, Angelis has declared to the frog!
– I saved your life, thrush!
After a day very calm, this was perhaps the busiest time of day in the reality.
When Thyago commented that he was disgusted with in the frog, Angelis was categorical in her comment.
– I have no disgust of animal. I have disgust of human being.”
At least for some people, I agree. Angelis just showed that she is more “man” than that of the house.

“11/12/2012 9:42 a.m. (Updated 12.11.2012 10:55)
Haysam Ali is no longer in the house. What is it rolled?
You will see how everything happened in the program tonight. Do not miss it! ”
“Everything” is an exaggeration, right, editor? Simply he lit the fuse of the bomb and quickly slipped away. He thought that eliminating the main “enemy” of Angelis in his group, he would redeem with her. That is out of the question when she attend the recordings of what he said from behind of her.

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“Women have to work. Brazil, listen to me: never, never give value to a woman!”

Lucas is pretending to be “cock warrant” of the production. It’s the first time I saw such a strategy and doubted that it would work. It was a classic case of error in selecting of participants.

“04/12/2012 00h19 (Updated 4/12/2012 2:04 a.m.)
Rodrigo Faro announces elimination of Lucas
Participant infringed rules of living in confinement
– I have some news to give you, in home (expulsion of Lucas). You followed everything that happened during these last days here on the Farm Summer, is not it? “

No Rodrigo! Nobody can keep up with the 24 hours of each contestant condensed into edited videos for a total of less than 4 or 5 minutes per day per participant, especially considering that almost all images are denied live at R7. You just may be being sarcastic with the audience asking the question, is not it?

’04 / 12/2012 00h20 (Updated 4/12/2012 1:24 a.m.)
Record decides to take out Lucas Barreto from reality
“bathing naked alongside Natália
“I would to “stay”, but never would date you (Karine)”
“The gaúcha (Isis), also made it clear that she quit to help him to relate with mates.”
“Haysam, sworn enemy of Lucas from the first moment” ‘

These phrases of the site help to identify who they intended to benefit and harm by choosing Lucas to enter in the place of Halan. It is very clear to me that the choice to enter Lucas, it was because his alleged profile would help the production in their attempts manipulative, aimed at specific contestants. Would he not necessarily be an “actor” engaged, or something like that. It was just one more error in this festival of incompetence. Remember that I feared a hero savior “manufactured” by the production? Well, among all subscribers to enter there are many others “crazy” (literally and figuratively, and purposefully without comma) to be remembered.

“04/12/2012 4:24 a.m. (4:55 a.m. Updated 04/12/2012)
Gaúcha (Isis) mimicked the model carioca, speaking everything into screams, and left him angry”

This interpretation of events is exaggerated with respect to Isis. Angry Lucas has always been, since entering the Reality. The attitudes of Haysan in fight with Angelis were extremely rude and yelling and the site said almost nothing about him at the time.

Ranking: Ísis, Nuelle, Sacra, Victor, Angelis, Raphael, Karine, Manoella, Flávia, Dan, Natália, Carril, Thyago, Haysam.


Only a few sites and blogs are interpreting the contestants of the Farm Summer and this is dangerous, because it tends to prevail a distorted view of the truth of the official website and in the production of the program, which are pinching certain individual opinions on microblogs and streets to give the stamp of veracity on what they “think”.

The production problem is that it “thinks” it needs to get rid of certain undesirable elements that are very smart for not risking going to the fields. Moreover, without changing the format, it is difficult to protect the most honest. Not to mention that they have personal favorites, who are at risk of going to the fields and leak. Everything could be avoided if there were more honesty, more transparency and less secrets. The secret (of state) is the father of suspicion among nations and avarice is the aunt. In an RS greed is the mother of two, grandmother of suspicion.

Please, it’s simple! Always put someone honest, peaceful and intelligent and everything will be solved alone, without the need of interference.

Avoid cutting the signal from Itu. Recruit a copywriter more impartial and competent to report on the site. Stop interviewing alleged “experts” of RS in the FOL or just end up with this excrescence. Try to at least be impartial on the issues of the videos. Stop improvise. Promote meetings. Stop reserving so much original material for editing. It is impossible not to have enough material unpublished to show in the daily summaries with the amount of information that are withholding. Stop the discontinuities. Better control the staff of the mornings before daybreak. Netizens spend hours and hours waiting for the static camera be changed from the dorm focusing on some sleeping, and when, finally, some action appears, are the contestants who were awake appearing to sleep. In short, be honest.

“Understood” of RS which says love to see or show “shacks” and people “causing”, not know what is RS, do not know how to make RS, and even less, knows opine on RS. Today I’m devastating to these people! I’m catching the disease from Lucas!

Português: Rodrigo Faro, ator brasileiro

Português: Rodrigo Faro, ator brasileiro (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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